Saturday, October 23, 2004


Yahoo buys Stata Labs. Who is Stata Labs?

Stata Labs:
From an interview with Stata Labs co-founder..
"What kinds of products are you working on?

We have built what we call a 'Personal Content Database,' a database that's optimized for the type of semi-structured data typical of personal data and the configurations of personal platforms. At the database level, our focus is on fast, scalable search, and on replication. At the same time, we're building applications that leverage this underlying database technology. We've started with e-mail--where the management problems have become the most acute--and we'll be slowly expanding the footprint."

Does this mean yahoo wants to not only search email but everything. We know Google released its Google Desktop Search software. Does this mean yahoo will not only be able to search your email but, your mobile devices/PDA, desktop also..

This search war is turning out to be something else isnt it.. Privacy beware.

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