Tuesday, January 18, 2005
Police can add GPS to your car without you knowing
Gotta love GPS. But I’d also be the first to admit that GPS has vast potential for abuse in the wrong hands, and by this, I mean of course, government and law-enforcement agencies. News.com has a good analysis of current privacy and civil rights issues related to the use of GPS by cops and Feds, including last week’s ruling by a New York judge that it’s okay for cops to plant GPS units on people they want to tail, without getting a court order or notifying the suspect. And experts quoted by News.com say they expect the Supreme Court to eventually validate such decisions. “The court has a very narrow and crabbed understanding of privacy. If something’s not totally secret, you don’t have a reasonable expectation of privacy,” says Dan Solove, a law professor at George Washington University. Looks like you’d better get ready for Big Brother to be with you 24/7, wherever you go.