Monday, October 24, 2005


I made the Switch SBC-DSL --> Comcast-Cable

Well shit.. Looks like SBC betta step up their DSL game cuz I signed up for Comcast cable internet and ran them side by side for a few days and what can I say.. Cable internet is indeed faster, and much more stable.. With my DSL connection I would always have to reset my modem and my speeds werent stable at all.. My bandwidth would go up and down.. With Cable its always on the same speed no matter what.. Perhaps its just the particulars of my DSL line but this is the behavior that I Was experiencing first hand. Also it seems like there is less latency with cable internet.. Like I can type in a web address and the site will respond faster than with DSL. Sorry SBC.. BUt Im downgrading my service today..

Monday, October 03, 2005


I made the switch. Dish --> Comcast

I cant believe it after all this time about bitching about comcast I finaly gave in and switched over from dish network satellite to comcast digital cable..

I am in the market to upgrade to an HD DLP tv, and I wanted to know that if I bought this tv that I would be able to get the most use out of it.. SO I started surfing around on the dishnetwork site to look for their hd equipment.. After seeing the prices i realize that dish network was not an option for a hd tv provider due to the cost of their equipment. Whereas, Comcast gottta nice switchover deal.. They give you $25 credit on your first 16 bills.. that like $400 credit.. AND if you sign up got hd with dvr they give you the motorola 6412 box which does both, has dual hd tuners and 120Gb hd for DVR recording.. My friend has been telling me about this deal for the longest time but I always thought there was some type of catch or gotcha to it because after all it is comcast, the big evil empire (like Walmart).. Well I got over all that real fast when they installer left my house and I started playing with it.. Right off the bat I notced a better quality picture.. With the component cable connections I am able to view 480p HDTV for the first time. Because this box has dual hd converters it outputs the video in standard format that my non-hdtv can read with 480p being the max resolution you can get.. I was doing some searching and I found a way to record whats going thru the box to my PC via the firewire port on the back of the box.. Holy Shit this knowledge opened up a entirely new mode of entertainment for me.. this means that the shows i record from the tv and watch I can record and burn to dvd for later use.. Amazing..

Now dont let me forget to mention the final reason why I switched. PRICE.. After the discount I got for switching from dish, I save about $10 a month(HD and DVR service included), I didnt have to pay an installation up front fee like dish charges, I didnt have to spend rent money on new equipment, and the service is local there are Comcast offices nearby.

So what do I think of HD so far?? I live it. I cant wait to get my real HD DLP TV then Ill really be able to drool on my couch. The best channel is Science Channel in HD Nature and Space how it should be, makes me wonder why all channels arent like that.. On Demand is the best shit because its like having a video store at your fingertips. They have long nicely categorized movie lists that you can chose from, all free, and of course there are the newer releases that you do pay for.

I hear their broadband internet is faster and better, if i can save money there (and it looks like I can from speaking to a salesperson earlier today) i'll probably switch to them for that also. SBC betta hurry up and upgrade their network or make some moves. I thought when they were going to comes out with that SBC Yahoo/2wire box that that would be some shit but that apparently neva came out, contrary to previous and public reports of it being available.

Im out for now, will return when I get THE TV...

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